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Het rapport Poland Meetings and Events Industry Report 2019 is voor de tiende keer opgesteld door het Poland Convention Bureau van Polish Tourism Organisation (POT) in samenwerking met: ◦ regionale marketingbureaus, ◦ aanbevolen congresorganisatoren, ◦ organisatoren motivatiereizen, ◦ objecten, ◦ hoger onderwijsinstellingen.

 “Dear Reader,

It gives me great pleasure to present the jubilee tenth edition of the Poland Meetings and Events Industry Report, a comprehensive overview of last year’s achievements of the meetings industry and its contribution to the growth of Poland’s economy. Introducing the latest edition of the report, we would like to thank eleven municipal and regional convention bureaux that joined the initiative of collecting data (covered in the “Meetings and events in Poland” section) and participated in compiling city portfolios. Thanks are also due to recommended congress and incentive organisers submitting data examined in the section analysing meetings and events staged in 2018. Last but not least, special thanks go to Monika Dembińska of the Poznań University of Economics and Business for summing up the current situation in the global meetings market and analysing factors decisive for the attractiveness of destinations as regards staging corporate, incentive and association meetings.

Official international statistics confirm that Poland is a safe and friendly country. Every year it hosts more and more meetings dedicated to culture, science, politics, sports and business. In Poland the business of organising professional business meetings, conferences, congresses, trade shows and exhibitions is estimated to boost the national GDP by more than 1% and provide strong and positive impulses for other related branches. Its growth is among the key promotional priorities of the Polish Tourism Organisation (Polska Organizacja Turystyczna - POT), whose structures have included the Poland Convention Bureau (PCB) since 2002.

Today Poland has at its disposal all the assets required for the meetings sector’s intensive development and for drawing more international events of all scope. Among them mention is certainly due to state-of-the-art hotels, numerous conference and exhibition centres, unique venues, first-rate transportation infrastructure, as well as organisations and companies ready to provide professional services aimed at business meetings in all size groups.

Non-material goods, cultural offerings, unmatched ambience and atmosphere all constitute a major high point of Polish cities seeking the attention of tourists, meeting organisers, and investors. I believe deliberate and consistently implemented promotion, building support mechanisms intended to secure meetings, and a synergy of the actions of all stakeholders representing the sector in question to be key to success.

Wishing you a pleasant read and many successes in winning and staging meetings and events in Poland.”, aldus de Voorzitter van de Poolse Organisatie voor Toerisme, Robert Andrzejczyk.

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