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Het rapport Poland Meetings and Events Industry Report 2018 is voor de achtste keer opgesteld door het Poland Convention Bureau van Polish Tourism Organisation (POT) in samenwerking met: ◦ regionale marketingbureaus, ◦ aanbevolen congresorganisatoren, ◦ organisatoren motivatiereizen, ◦ objecten, ◦ hoger onderwijsinstellingen.

The report is a tool that sums up last year’s achievements of the meetings industry and showcases its contribution to the growth of the national economy. In Poland the business of organising professional business meetings, conferences, congresses, trade fairs and exhibitions is estimated to generate more than 1% of the national GDP plus provides a strong and positive impetus for other related branches. Its development is one of the key promotional priorities of Polish Tourism Organisation, whose structures have included Poland Convention Bureau (PCB) since 2002”, zegt de Voorzitter van de Poolse Organisatie voor Toerisme, Robert Andrzejczyk.

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