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polen.travelSeverdigheterMonumenterWayside shrine in Lednogóra

Wayside shrine in Lednogóra


The wayside shrine in Lednogóra is dated as of 1948. The wayside shrine used to be very popular in Poland, unfortunately now not so much.

The wayside shrine in Lednogóra is dated as of 1948. The wayside shrine used to be very popular in Poland, unfortunately now not so much. Nowadays there are only a few. They show strong attachment to the Christianity on polish land. One of those shrines is located in the Lednicki Landscape Park in Lednogóra. It was built after the Second World War.

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Latitude and Longitude: 52.5078,17.366
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Vår adresse

Polska Statens Turistbyrå
Karlavägen 47 B
114 49 Stockholm

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