Warsaw 21.1 ºC
polen.travelSeverdigheterMonumenterBlessed Virgin Mary Victorious Church

Blessed Virgin Mary Victorious Church


This Gothic church is one of the oldest monument in Lublin. It was build within years 1412-1426 thanks to Władysław Jagiełło as a memory of the victory near Grunwald.

The churche survived till today almost untouched in a Gothic style despite many fires and plunders. Inside one can notice a mix of styles: Renaissance decorations, Neo-Gothic furniture dated back to 1901. One had to mention a painting depicting St Brigida, which dated back to the 15th century, and 15th century relicts.

localization-imgLocation Map

Narutowicza street 6
20-004 Lublin
Latitude and Longitude: 51.2462,22.5625
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Vår adresse

Polska Statens Turistbyrå
Karlavägen 47 B
114 49 Stockholm

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