Warsaw 3.9 ºC

Community Centre in Psary

Cultural activities in the municipality maintained Community Centre in Psary based in Grodkow. Activities cultural education is implemented in 5 sites (in Grodkow in Sarnowie, in Dąbie in Goląszy Upper and Preczowie). Includes classes in visual arts, dance, theater, folklore, and ceramics. Moreover, there are the Youth Academy for Journalism, singing, vocal-music ensembles and dance troupes. The commune is represented at many events Singing Bands "Dabie", "Brzękowianie", "Trio" Folk group "Górzanki" Folk Group "Zagłębianki" People's Band "Sarnowianie, dance groups, Children's Vocal Ensemble, Junior Country Dance Ensemble, a group of theater. GOK is the organizer of many cultural activities with regional scope. Some of these are the only such events in the country such as Theatrical Presentations, "Lives of the Saints and Patrons' Festival of love songs and Zalotnych held in the evening St. John's, Kite Festival, the Regional Festival of terrors. Also organize Harvest Festival, Bike Race in 10 categories, regular promotional events, concerts, festivals, art exhibitions, poetry evenings, regular meetings, "Sagi Houses Municipal Psary" training series "Law and Culture." Events attract to the community of fans from surrounding towns and municipalities. GOK on the wide range of cultural projects is financed off-budget from foundations and European funds. Many of the programs developed by the GOK have gained recognition and evaluation of the GOK has received grants for their implementation.

Ponadto prowadzone są: Młodzieżowa Akademia Dziennikarska, zespoły śpiewacze, zespoły wokalno-muzyczne i zespoły taneczne. Gminę na wielu imprezach reprezentują Zespoły Śpiewacze 'Dąbie', 'Brzękowianie', 'Trio', Zespół Ludowy 'Górzanki', Zespół Folklorystyczny 'Zagłębianki', Kapela Ludowa 'Sarnowianie', zespoły taneczne, Dziecięcy Zespół Wokalny, Młodzieżowy Zespół Tańca Country, grupy teatralne.

localization-imgLocation Map

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA
42-575 Strzyżowice
Latitude and Longitude: 50.3836071,19.087773
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Polska Statens Turistbyrå
Karlavägen 47 B
114 49 Stockholm

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