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HomeSeværdighederNaturThe Wieprz River Landscape Park

The Wieprz River Landscape Park



The most valuable floristic values within the Wieprz River Landscape Park include floodplain vegetation, locally occurring throughout the valley, fragments of riparian forests, low peat bogs and the valleys of dry grassland on sunny slopes.

The Wieprz River Landscape Park was established in 1990 due to significant landscape and natural values, as well as historical and cultural values. The species of flora that deserve special attention include: aquatic plants - floating fern, fat duckweed, yellow water lily, white lily, meadow plants - Siberian iris; xerothermic plants worth noting include: spring pheasant's eye, snowdrop anemone; forest plants: Turk's cap lily. Mammals include elk, deer, roe deer, wild boar, fox, wolf, hare. Birds include ducks, swans, gaviiformes, terns, peewits, nightingales, curlews, cranes, skylarks, pheasants, partridges, white storks, redshanks, kingfishers, house finch hawks, sparrow hawks, buzzards, marsh harriers, kestrel, and several species of bats: brown long-eared bats, common pipistrelles, serotine bat, Natterer's bats. It is also important to appreciate the value of the Wieprz River Landscape Park as a refuge of protected animals: beavers, otters, black storks, northern crested newts and smooth newts, fire-bellied toads, European pond turtles, swallowtails etc.

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Breddegrad og længdegrad: 51.3239,22.9548
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