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The Stone City




Zespół Parków Krajobrazowych Pogórza w Tarnowie
Solidarności 5-9b
33-100 Tarnów
Fax+48 146963300

The Stone City - The Stone City is a reserve created in 1948 of ornate, natural rock-formations on the slope of Skala (367 m above sea level).
The picturesque monadnocks (single rocks), formed out of coarse-grained sandstone, and the surrounding forests are protected by law. Making the "Stone City" distinct from many other monadnocks in Pogorze, is its high concentration of rock forms in a relatively small area. The monadnocks have formed in an extremely bizarre and interesting way as the result of harsh atmosphereic factors like rain, wind and frost. Other natural elements have also altered the shape of the rocks, like the Scrub Pine that roots itself deeply into cracks and splits the rock. However, despite the attempts of science to explain such a phenomena, the locals have adopted their own unique understanding of the rock formations. The most interesting rock shapes in the "Stone City" are: "Grunwald," named after a place of a famous Polish battle, "Witch", the most famous rock, "The Town Hall," up to twelve meters high, "The Fortresses," rocks in the shape of strongholds, "The Badger," a group of rocks in which one has the shape of a badger head, "The Pyramid," and "The Fox Ravine," where many fox holes are located.

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Breddegrad og længdegrad: 49.773806,20.967417
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