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HomeSeværdighederNaturThe Park and Arch of Mużaków

The Park and Arch of Mużaków




Urząd Miasta
Żurawska 1
68-208 Łęknica

The Arch of Mużaków is a huge 40 km long and 3 -5 km wide ground moraine and it can be seen even from the space.
The Landscape Prince Puckler’s Park in Łęknica / Bad Muskau on the both banks of Nysa Łużycka river is known on the Polish side as the Park Mużakowski. Its are comprises of approx. 750 hectares. It belongs to the most eminent achievements of European garden shaping (so called garden architecture) of the 19th century. It was shaped from 1815 till 1845. The Arch of Mużaków is a huge 40 km long and 3 -5 km wide ground moraine and it can be seen even from the space. In July 2004, the UNESCO placed the park and the arch in the list of cultural and environmental heritage. In the park one can also see: bridges, parkways, ponds, dams, falls and on the German part – the so called New Castle.

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Breddegrad og længdegrad: 51.5414,14.7358
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