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HomeSeværdighederNaturThe natural footpath

The natural footpath




Narwiański Park Narodowy
18-204 Kurowo

The natural footpath stretches out through 10 km from Suraż to Uhowo.
The natural footpath stretches out through 10 km from Suraż to Uhowo. It isn't marked. A hike along the natural footpath takes 4 hours. You can start a trip in Suraż, in the archeological museum. You go farther along the road in the north direction, pass the station, and go the gravel road behind the graveyard - to the hill, from where it is possible to observe a geological structure of Suraż lands. Then going farther you will reach the gravel pit. Later wandering a field path you go in the north direction among forests and woods and you reach the half-open space. There is a river Narew on the left side.  It is possible to reach the dry forest if you go through manna reeds, amongst willow thickets. This road leads to an old- river bed among sand dunes and meadows. It is possible to admire views and go bird watching farther under oaks. When you go in the direction of the Uhowo village you have to cross the old-river bed once again. This footpath leads to the social welfare house in Uhowo and farther when you go this street to a railway station.

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Breddegrad og længdegrad: 53.0019,22.9168
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