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HomeSeværdighederNaturSuwałki Landscape Park

Suwałki Landscape Park




Suwalski Park Krajobrazowy
Malesowizna-Turtul 24
16-404 Malesowizna-Turtul

Suwałki Landscape Park - the oldest landscape park in Poland. Wide open spaces reveal the distinctive postglacial relief, which is the park’s most precious asset and forms a one of a kind natural geomorphologic museum.

Suwałki Landscape Park was founded in January 1976 as the first landscape park in Poland. The Park’s most valuable asset is the unique and rich postglacial landscape. Wide open spaces reveal the diversified postglacial relief. The Park covers 6284 ha (62.8 km2) and encompasses an extensive valley, the so called the Szeszupa depression and the uplands surrounding the Hańcza Lake (the deepest lake in Poland). The area is drained by Czarna Hańcza and Szeszupa’s River system. There are 26 lakes, which often form very interesting nature and landscape complexes.
Park belongs to NATURA 2000 project, due to a legislation adopted by the European Communities to protect most threatened habitats, and became the Suwałki Haven. Four nature reserves are situated within the Park grounds: The Bachanowo Boulder Field on The Czarna Hańcza River („Głazowisko Bachanowo nad Czarną Hańczą”), Łopuchowskie Boulder Field („Głazowisko Łopuchowskie”), Rutka and Hańcza Lake.

The home of Suwałki Park is in Malesowizna-Turtul, where there are also: “A Field School”, education and accommodation base, regional chamber, tourist information point and camping equipment rental. The Park has good tourist development, including a wide network of diverse tourist trails (bicycle, foot and information trails).

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Breddegrad og længdegrad: 54.1546,22.8025
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