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HomeSeværdighederNaturStokówka Mountain

Stokówka Mountain




Urząd Gminy

Stokówka is a place of high scenic value. Standing on top of it, we can admire a magnificent panorama. Before us there is a whole Chęcińska Valley along with the castle, the Miedzianka Peak and small ridges of Grzywy Korzeczkowskie and Grząby Bolmińskie. In the last few years Stokówka has become a favourite place for training for beginning climbers.

Stokówka Mountain is one of the most distinctive and recognizable places in Chęciny-Kielce Landscape Park. It is located in the western part of the Zelejowskie Ridge. The gap crossing the whole hill is visible from Gałęzice located to the north of the mountain. A closed quarry is a trace of one of the largest calcite veins in the region Świętokrzyskie. The calcite is the famous "różanka". It is coloured with iron compounds arranged in specific roses and wavy strands. Różanka is the only real marble mined in the area of Chęciny. All other Kielce and Chęciny "marbles" are only colourful limestone that can be beautifully polished. The name "marble" as a result of 500 years of using it was adopted in the regional vocabulary and continues to function.

Stokówka is not only worth knowing because of its geological values or the role it played in the history of rock mining. It is a place of high scenic value. Standing on top of it, we can admire a magnificent panorama. Before us there is a whole Chęcińska Valley along with the castle, the Miedzianka Peak and a ridge of Grzywy Korzeczkowskie and Grząby Bolmińskie. In the last few years Stokówka has become a favourite place for training for beginning climbers. The walls of up to 20 metres are equipped with hooks and other appropriate safeguards to facilitate climbing. These exceptional values of this charming place are complemented with xerothermic plants found on limestone rocks, often growing of surface carst forms.

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Breddegrad og længdegrad: 50.8302282056174,20.4191207885742
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