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HomeSeværdighederNaturPoland’s Largest Boulder in Tychowo

Poland’s Largest Boulder in Tychowo





A glacial boulder weighing about a considerable 2000 tons

It has the name “Tryglaw” and is a glacial erratic. It can be found in the town of Tychowo, in the county of Bialogard, in the local cemetery. This enormous boulder of dark grey gneiss, undoubtedly the largest in Poland, originated from central Sweden and was brought to Tychowo by a glacier during the last Ice Age.

It is half buried in the ground and is still sinking due to its own weight – about 2mm to 3mm each year. The circumference of the rock is 50m, with a length of 13.7m, a width of 9.3m and a height of 7.8m (of which 4m is underground). With such dimensions its volume can be calculated at about 700m³ and its weight estimated at around 2000 tons. This giant, being undoubtedly an oddity of nature, is the subject of many legends.

One of them says that in 1124 after the Christian mission of Bishop Otto of Bamberg reached Wolin, the pagan priests took the golden statue of their god Tryglaw and hid it in the village near Gryfice. Later it was taken by an old priest, who lost his pursuers and looked for a new hiding place – under this boulder. On its top is a cross with the figure of Christ and beneath that a metal plaque with a German inscription.

Tychowo Municipal Office (woj. Zachodniopomorskie)


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Tychowo 64
Breddegrad og længdegrad: 53.9261718,16.2506331
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