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HomeSeværdighederNaturBartek Oak Tree between Bartkowo and Zagnansk

Bartek Oak Tree between Bartkowo and Zagnansk




Dąb Bartek

One of Poland’s oldest trees and its most famous natural monument

The oak called Bartek is the most famous tree in Poland. It is one of three oldest polish oak trees – widely believed to be about 1200 years old but scientific studies estimate its age at about 700 years. According to legend it was favoured by King Boleslaw Krzywousty and King Kasimir Wielki who camped under it during their hunts. The oak grows between Bartkowo and Zagnansk in the Zagnansk forest district (woj. Swietokrzyskie). It is 30m high with the circumference of the trunk at ground level at 13.4m and at breast height 985cm. The crown has a spread between 20m and 40m. At the beginning of the 20th century the large oak was partially destroyed by fire but a dozen years later its trunk was filled with concrete and its boughs held up by supports. Between the wars the oak was categorized as the largest and most valued natural relic by a special panel in 1934. In 1952 the oak was designated as a natural monument. In 1991 the large tree was struck by lightning which ignited the tree trunk and new supports had to be installed. Despite this damage and its old age it still grows and bears fruit. Next to it the oak tree Little Bartek was planted in 1966 during the celebrations of the 1000th anniversary of the Polish State.

Bartek Oak Tree near Zagnansk (woj. Swietokrzyskie)


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