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        AVIAREPS NORDIC VIRTUAL FAIR                                             If you are Swedish click below...If you are Danish click below...If...
Industrin är redo att hälsa turisterna välkomna igen
Polen har gått in i det andra stadiet av restriktioner som har med covid-19-pandemin att göra. Från och med den 4 maj fick hotellindustrin rätt att återuppta sin verksamhet och kulturella institutioner som museer, gallerior och...
Välkommen till webbplatsen ”Poland: Online Site Inspection"
Polska turismorganisationens Polska kongressbyrå planerar för tiden efter coronaviruset och har nu lanserat den första versionen av Poland: Online Site Inspection, en omfattande online-guide för eventplanerare. Här kan eventplanerare...
Grand Hotel River Park, A Luxury Collection Hotel 231 bedrooms and suites Hotel located in River Park, a recently built modern business and residential area of Bratislava, the Grand Hotel River Park offers a state-of-the-art meeting...
Spa hotels Krivan, Slovan, Concordia,
Jan Hotels Jan Hotels is a private hotel chain running three hotels within the Czech Republic. Jan Hotels properties are not standard chain hotels, each hotel has an individual charm and its own story to tell. Jan Hotels offers a...
JORDAN GROUP JORDAN GROUP has for 28 years provided tourist services at the highest level, being one of the largest businesses in the tourist sector in Małopolska. We own a top-standard fleet (30 coaches and minibuses) and have our...
CoDan Agentura
The Clarion Congress Hotel Prague The Clarion Congress Hotel Prague is the leading congress centre focusing on international conferences, congresses and events; however, it is also very convenient for leisure. The guests may benefit...
Continental Travel DMC - Your partner for leisure and MICE in Hungary
Hévíz Tourism Board - Tourism Non Profit Ltd. of Hévíz
Mazurkas DMC Poland
IN THE HEART OF EUROPE – ROAD-SHOW IN THE SCANDINAVIAN CAPITALS – APRIL 26-29TH, 2016.Name of the seller Contact details Profile Logo1.Hévízi Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft. Hévízi Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft. / Tourism...
Grand Hotel River Park, A Luxury Collection Hotel Enter a world of gracious design and ample and efficient space of the Grand Hotel River Park, located only 35 minutes' drive from the Vienna International Airport, directly on the...
Pomorskie Tourist Board Is a polish association responsible for regional marketing. Located in Gdansk, it’s aims to strength the image and to rise the attractiveness of Pomorskie region but also to develop cooperation between...
Discovery Slovakia Tours Slovak Tourist Board is an organisation specialised on marketing and state promotion of tourism in the Slovak Republic. It markets tourism at the national level, provides information on travel opportunities...
TOUR4U, s.r.o. Tour4U DMC is one of the leading inbound travel companies in Slovakia. It features dedicated MICE and leisure departments providing a complete range of serives for incentive, teambuilding, conferences, trips &...
Slovak Health Spa Slovak Health Spa Piešťany has belonged to the leading European spas for more than 100 years for its treatment of rheumatism, rehabilitation of the locomotor system and the nervous system. Natural healing sources –...
Slovak TouristBoard Slovak Tourist Board is an organisation receiving contributions from the State Budget specialised on marketing and state promotion of tourism in the Slovak Republic. It was established in 1995 by the Ministry of...
Discover Slovakia Tours (DST) Discover Slovakia Tours (DST) as DMC is specialized and experienced in arranging custom designed tours. We organize Cultural tours as history & castle tours, opera tours, city breaks, also...
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Vår adress:
Polska Statens Turistbyrå
Karlavägen 47 B
114 49 Stockholm
må - fre 10:00-13:00 och 14:00-16:30
Telefontider och turistinformation:
må - fre 10:00-13:00 och 14:00-16:30
tel: +46 (0) 8 21 60 75

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