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HomeTuristattraktionerSynagogue - Jewish temple

Synagogue - Jewish temple



Synagogue, which is not only a valuable historical monument, but also remains a living place of worship of Judaism.

The synagogue was built in the sixteenth century, it is confirmed by historical documents from 1584. it was burned during the massacre of Chmielnicki (1648-1649). On the request of Jan Zamoyski it was rebuilt in the Renaissance style with a beautiful arcade frieze, covered with a mansard Polish roof. It was burned again in 1939 and rebuilt in 1955.

localization-imgLocation Map:

Sądowa street 3
22-460 Szczebrzeszyn
Latitud och longitud: 50.6951,22.98
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Vår adress:
Polska Statens Turistbyrå
Karlavägen 47 B
114 49 Stockholm
må - fre 10:00-13:00 och 14:00-16:30
Telefontider och turistinformation:
må - fre 10:00-13:00 och 14:00-16:30
tel: +46 (0) 8 21 60 75

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