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HomeTuristattraktionerSt. Joseph Sebastian Pelczar Archdiocesan Museum

St. Joseph Sebastian Pelczar Archdiocesan Museum



The museum was founded in 1902 by resolution of the Diocesan Synod on the initiative of Joseph Sebastian Pelczar, then bishop of Przemyśl.

The exhibition is located in the former Jesuit oratory over the southern nave of the Church of Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Resources collected in the museum are a great historical document of the formation of religious art in the diocese of Przemyśl over the centuries. Collection of memorabilia of the Holy Father John Paul II is placed in a separate room; it includes gifts from the Holy Father. All of the collected exhibits (e.g. vestments, numerous medals, commemorative coins) document pontificate of the Polish Pope.

localization-imgLocation Map:

Katedralny street 2 i 3
37-700 Przemyśl
Latitud och longitud: 49.78351667,22.76748333
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Polska Statens Turistbyrå
Karlavägen 47 B
114 49 Stockholm
må - fre 10:00-13:00 och 14:00-16:30
Telefontider och turistinformation:
må - fre 10:00-13:00 och 14:00-16:30
tel: +46 (0) 8 21 60 75

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