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HomeTuristattraktionerParish Church of Visitation of Blessed Virgin Mary

Parish Church of Visitation of Blessed Virgin Mary



Parish Church has in its architecture elements of Gothic and late Renaissance style.

Parish Church of Visitation of Blessed Virgin Mary – brick, from about fiftenth and sixteenth century, Gothic, rebuilt in the late Renaissance around 1637, Oriented, two-aisled. Extensive range of accessories (including three Baroque altars) XVII-XIX century, partly transferred from the Orthodox Church (later the garrison Church) from the fortress Dęblin.

localization-imgLocation Map:

Krasnoglińska street 1 B
08-500 Bobrowniki
Latitud och longitud: 51.549,21.9326
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Vår adress:
Polska Statens Turistbyrå
Karlavägen 47 B
114 49 Stockholm
må - fre 10:00-13:00 och 14:00-16:30
Telefontider och turistinformation:
må - fre 10:00-13:00 och 14:00-16:30
tel: +46 (0) 8 21 60 75

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