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HomeTuristattraktionerArchaeological Pavilion in Wiślica

Archaeological Pavilion in Wiślica


Built in the 1960s, the Archaeological Pavilion covers the remains of early-Romanesque Church of St. Nicholas, along with the adjacent burial chapel dating from 11th century, as well as a baptismal bowl, dating probably from 880.

The Church is one of the earliest of the so-called merchant churches. It was located directly on an important trade route from Prague to the Kievan Rus. It consists of two rooms: First of them is the proper Church, the other is the burial chapel added in the 11th century. Burials of women were found within it. A controversial baptismal bowl is variously interpreted by research centres. It is probably an evidence of baptism in the Eastern rite by the Vistulans, which is mentioned in the so-called Pannonian Legend included in the Lives of St. Methodius describing the moment of the Christianization of the area.

localization-imgLocation Map:

Plac Solny place 32
28-160 Wiślica
Latitud och longitud: 50.3485718,20.673966
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