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HomeTuristattraktionerA country house in Dolega

A country house in Dolega



A country house, gentry residence from 1845

In the building there are carefully reproduced 19 century country house interiors. One can visit a drawing room where old furniture, photographs, pictures and other keepsakes of residents are exposed.

There are some exhibits from January Rising, rising banner and weapon among others, in a study-bedroom. In the other rooms there are keepsakes of a famous biology professor - Michał Siedlecki and his wife Irena Wolska and gobelins made in a photographic method by Jan Szczepanik from Tarnów (the only ones in Europe).

The country house is surrounded by a park (1,8 ha). In the park there is a wooden chapel from 19 century, next to which January insurgents took an oath according to the tradition.

localization-imgLocation Map:

Dołęga 10
32-821 Zaborów
Latitud och longitud: 50.128306,20.702111
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Vår adress:
Polska Statens Turistbyrå
Karlavägen 47 B
114 49 Stockholm
må - fre 10:00-13:00 och 14:00-16:30
Telefontider och turistinformation:
må - fre 10:00-13:00 och 14:00-16:30
tel: +46 (0) 8 21 60 75

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