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HomeTuristattraktionerMuseerMonument of Bartolomeo Colleoni

Monument of Bartolomeo Colleoni

Bartolomeo Colleoni (1395-1475) was a condottiere, one of the commanders of the army of Venice. For him a monument was erected in the Square of Saints John and Paul, made by Andrea del Verrocchio - the master and teacher of Leonardo da Vinci.

Bartolomeo Colleoni (1395-1475) was a condottiere, one of the commanders of the army of Venice. For him a monument was erected in the Square of Saints John and Paul, made by Andrea del Verrocchio - the master and teacher of Leonardo da Vinci. The monument was unveiled in 1496 in Venice and it is one of the greatest equestrian statues of the Renaissance period. An accurate bronze moulding of the monument was founded before the year 1913 for the City Museum in Szczecin. It stood here until around 1948; later it was moved to Warsaw and placed in the courtyard of the Academy of Fine Arts. In 1992 the members of PTTK came up with the idea to return the monument to Szczecin, which took place in 2002.

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70-414 Szczecin
Latitud och longitud: 53.430472,14.551306
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