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HomeTuristattraktionerMinnesmärkenThe court garden in Jasionówka

The court garden in Jasionówka



The composition of the object came into being in 1549 and its former surface was 17, 5 hectares.

The composition of the object came into being in 1549 and its former surface was 17, 5 hectares. There is baroque, block, boxial, decorative garden, which was considerably transformed in XX century. The court seat is placed on the hill between two streams. From the former residence there is only remainder of walls, southern ponds, lines of trees and linden alley with trees from the breakthrough XVIII and XIX century. Except for that there are: stable which was built in 1820, habitable building from 1933 and the detention from the last war.

localization-imgLocation Map:

19-122 Jasionówka
Latitud och longitud: 53.6396244,23.3537684
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