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One box version:


Two boxes version:POT_PTO_logo_two-boxes.png

Short brief:POT_PTO_logos_short-manual.png

Rules for using and lending "POLSKA" as part of the activities of the Polish Tourist Organization (PTO).

  1. PTO is the owner and has all copyrights and related rights to the "Polska" trademark logo. The use of the mark without the consent of PTO entails liability under applicable law.
  2. Basic assumptions:
    The "Polska" logo may only be used to promote Polish tourism on the domestic and foreign markets.
  3. The "Polskalogo may be used and placed after prior written consent of PTO, only on media used to promote Polish tourism, such as: prints, films and other audiovisual media, websites, charts, photograms, gadgets and other in accordance with the Principles.
  4. Lending application procedure:
    1. An entity intending to obtain permission to use the "Polska" logo must submit a written application to the PTO. The application should contain detailed information about:
      1. the subject of the publication,
      2. the language that will be used in the publication,
      3. medium on which the "Polskalogo will be placed (e.g. folder, poster, film, CD cover, invitation, gadget, website, banner, image wall),
      4. media distribution rules (e.g.: free of charge or for a fee, circulation).
    2. The application should be accompanied by a example of publication in the form of a graphic design or a computer printout, with the "Polskalogo placed in a specific promotional material.
    3. Incomplete applications may be left unprocessed.
    4. PTO reserves the right to refuse to consent to the use of the "Polska" logo.
  5. Rules for using the mark:
    1. PTO's consent to use the "Polskalogo is granted free of charge.
    2. Consent to use the "Polska" logo is expressed by PTO in writing.
    3. The consent to use the "Polska" logo is of a one-time nature, is issued for a definite period of time and applies to a specific promotional material.
    4. PTO reserves the right to control the rules of use of the "Polska" logo by the entity receiving the consent and to withdraw consent in the event of failure to comply with the conditions contained in the consent or violation by the entity receiving the consent of the law or the rights of third parties.
    5. The entity receiving permission to use the "Polskalogo is obliged to comply with the graphic conditions (dimensions, colors, arrangement, background, place of placement, protective field, etc.) specified by PTO in the Book of Visual Identification of the Logotype and to respect the copyright related to the "Polskalogo.
    6. The entity that receives permission to use the "Polska" logo is obliged to send a draft of the material specifying where the "Polskalogo will be used, prior to the production or dissemination of this material.
    7. The "Polskalogo or other PTO visualization elements may be used by other entities, including Beneficiaries/Partners, only on the basis of a written consent of the PTO or on the basis of separate agreements.
    8. The use of the "Polskalogotype or other elements of PTO's visualization may not be contrary to the public interest and may not be aimed at misleading the recipients, in particular as to the nature, purpose, quality, properties or origin of goods or services provided by PTO.


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Vår adress:
Polska Statens Turistbyrå
Karlavägen 47 B
114 49 Stockholm
må - fre 10:00-13:00 och 14:00-16:30
Telefontider och turistinformation:
må - fre 10:00-13:00 och 14:00-16:30
tel: +46 (0) 8 21 60 75

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