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Planty in Kalisz

They extend between Narutowicza, Woda St. and Kiliński Sq. Thet appeared during World War II when the Nazi filled up an arm of the Prosna River running along Babina St.

At the level of 11 Babina St. there is a unique “book monument”. It commemorates the destruction of a few thousand books from Polish and Jewish libraries in the city by the Nazi in 1942. At the exit of the green parks into Kiliński Sq there is Adam Asnyk Statue from 1960.

localization-imgLocation Map:

62-800 Kalisz
Latitud och longitud: 51.7649,18.0877
Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev
Vår adress:
Polska Statens Turistbyrå
Karlavägen 47 B
114 49 Stockholm
må - fre 10:00-13:00 och 14:00-16:30
Telefontider och turistinformation:
må - fre 10:00-13:00 och 14:00-16:30
tel: +46 (0) 8 21 60 75

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